Lately people are asking me for my thoughts on the “Storming Area 51” social media saga. I’ll get right to the point folks. No one should ever be tempted to illegally penetrate a U.S. military base or a classified government facility - ever.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for disclosure and I love that over a million people are interested in seeking the truth. But that's what organizations like ours is for. Information about UFOs, extraterrestrials and paranormal is the core of our mission's existence.

Please read my interviews with Nick Pope, former British government UFO project, and Stephen Bassett, UFO lobbyist in the current issue of FOUR Magazines. Both of these gentlemen are regulars on History Channel's hit TV show, Ancient Aliens.
Invading a government facility again should not be on the minds of anyone. Recently the whole thing was taken off Facebook – which is where it began as a stupid joke – has now refocused itself as a festival. We shall see what the outcome is, but my hope is that it raised awareness.
My final words to the would-be Stormers: SUPPORT UFO HUNTERS OF AMERICA.